Lighting the
Stars: Notes and References |
Music Credits |
thanks to Steven Halpern, artist, for generously allowing use of his musical
selection "Traveling Among The Stars" from the album Inner Peace,
copyright Inner Peace Music (www.stevenhalpern.com).
The YouTube video
Lighting the Stars (click
here) describes a mistake made in the 1930, pertaining to stellar ignition,
which was built upon and never corrected. In 1994, I revealed the mistake and
made a correction in a scientific paper published in the Proceedings of the
Royal Society of London. In addition to making new discoveries, science is
about discovering mistaken understanding and correcting it. When a contradiction
to existing ideas arises in science, the obligation of scientists in that area
is to discuss and debate, and to try to ascertain whether the old idea or the
new one is correct by experiment or theoretical considerations. If the new idea
is wrong, it should be refuted, ideally in the same journal of publication;
otherwise it should be acknowledged.
In America (as in many countries) science is
mostly funded by the government, using severely flawed management practices
(click here). As a consequence there is a documented record of
astrophysicists, not only failing to acknowledge important contradictions to
important advances, but trying to suppress and bury them. Science is about
truth, not deception to the scientific community, to the general public, and to
taxpayers. For more information, see
Maverick's Earth and Universe.
References |
= Stellar ignition by nuclear fission =
Thermonuclear fusion reactions, thought to power the Sun and
other stars, require temperatures on the order of one million degrees Celsius
for ignition. Since the mid-1930s the assumption has been that such temperatures
were obtained during the in-fall of dust and gas during star formation, but
there are problems. In 1994, J. Marvin Herndon suggested that stellar fusion
reactions may, in fact, be ignited by a central fission reactor in the same
manner that a fusion bomb is triggered by a fission bomb. Rather than stars
automatically igniting during formation, non-ignition may occur in absence of
actinide elements, leading to the possibility of dark stars, dark matter,
particularly surrounding luminous galaxies [Herndon, J. M. (1994) Planetary and
protostellar nuclear fission: Implications for planetary change, stellar
ignition and dark matter. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A455, 453-461].
(click here for pdf)
= Origin of diverse luminous galaxy structures
J. Marvin Herndon has suggested that the diverse luminous galaxy
structures can be understood in a logical and causally related manner if heavy
element synthesis is related galactic jets which jet heavy nuclear matter into
the galaxy of dark stars where it seeds the dark stars it encounters with
fissionable elements turning dark stars into luminous stars [Herndon, J. M.
(2006) Thermonuclear ignition of dark galaxies.
http://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0604307 ; Herndon, J. M. (2008) Maverick’s
Earth and Universe, Vancouver:Trafford Press, ISBN: 978-1-4251-4132-5].
= Planetary interfacial thermonuclear fusion =
J. Marvin Herndon has suggested that hot Jupiter exoplanets,
which have densities less than Jupiter, may derive much of their internal heat
production from interfacial thermonuclear fusion ignited by nuclear fission
[Herndon, J. M. (2006) New concept for internal heat production in hot jupiter
exoplanets. ; Herndon, J. M. (2008) Maverick’s
Earth and Universe, Vancouver:Trafford Press, ISBN: 978-1-4251-4132-5].
= Evidence against planetary migration =
J. Marvin Herndon has presented evidence against the
astrophysical concept of planetary migration based upon evidence that Earth was
at one time a close-to-Sun gas giant similar to Jupiter in mass and composition
[Herndon, J. M. (2006) Evidence contrary to the existing exoplanet migration
concept. arXiv:astro-ph/0612726 (click here for
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